Sold Call of Duty mobile counts (3 MYTHICS, 24 legendaries, 211 epics)

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CODM Account' started by firlus, 10/10/21.

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  1. firlus

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    Call of duty Mobile Account (3 Mythics, 24 Legendaries, 211 Epics).

    This is mainly promote it. If you want to actually purchase it you can head on over to the link below V

    This is an OG account of mine. AMC stock is about to take off so I'm selling it to put more money into that. Account was made when Cod Mobile first came out, so expect veteran weapon skins like "Melons, Hearts, and Reindeer". I have taken over 654 screenshots just to show you how much I have on this account which was extremely time-consuming, but hopefully it will be worth it as someone will buy this account. I will list all of the important details below:

    Also just a heads up: Yes, my name on the account is IAmNotGayOkay. It's a funny haha joke name, don't worry the account comes with a Name change ticket, unless you wanna keep the name and continue the legacy.

    Battle Pass Season 1-10, 13, and Tokyo Escape fully completed.

    Link to my Stats:

    2.54 K/D - Legendary in Ranked for 2 seasons.

    Master 2 in BR currently, been Legendary like 5-6 times.

    Qualified for the first and second tournament, so it does include qualifying skins as well.

    Mythics: 3

    Fennec - Ascended

    Peacekeeper MK2 - Artifact

    Holger-34 - Dark Frontier

    Legendary: 24

    DL-Q33 - Holidays

    AK-117 - Holidays

    S36 - Phobos

    AK-47 - Wrath Black & Gold

    RUS-79U - ZX 7000

    Cordite - Zero G

    AK-117 - Meltdown

    RPD - Practical Joker

    HBRa3 - Swarm

    DL-Q33 - Zealot

    AGR 556 - Durandal

    .50 GS - Calamity

    DR-H - Wicked Claw

    QXR - Secret Santa

    Razorback - Necessary Diplomacy

    BK57 - Space Race

    ICR-1 - Forced Laughter

    SKS - Particle Splitter

    PDW-57 - Toxic Waste

    Arctic .50 - FoxFire

    Renetti - Metal Phantom

    ICR-1 - Innovator

    CR-56 AMAX - Red Death

    ASM-10 - Abyssal Agent


    Epics: 138 (Only Primaries, Secondaries will have a link at the bottom).

    Type-25 - Geometry

    Type-25 - Infiltrate

    Type 25 - Oni

    Type-25 Cutting Edge

    M16 - Valentine

    M16 - FUBAR

    M16 - Gold Glitter

    M16 - Playmaker

    AK117 - Magmacomb

    AK-117 Barricade

    AK117 - Kit Bag

    AK117 - Rhinestone

    AK-47 - Red Action

    AK-47 - Tank

    AK-47 - Steel Blue

    AK-47 - Jade

    ASM10 - Plasma (Extremely rare)

    ASM10 - Direct Heat

    ASM10 - Misha

    ASM10 - Bomb Baby

    ASM10 - Scabbard

    M4 - CQB

    M4 - Enchanted Carbine (From GKS - Unicorn Lucky Draw)

    M4 - Magmacomb

    M4 - Back Scratcher

    M4 - Living Rust

    M4 - The Breakup

    M4 - Spurred

    M4 - Venegeance

    BK57 - Wild West

    BK57 - Gimmick (From RPD - Practical Joker Lucky Draw)

    BK57 - Nuclear Fallout

    BK57 - Going Kawaii

    BK57- Guardian Spirit

    BK-57 - Counter Stealth Unit

    LK24 - Cyberspace (From MSMC - Space Station Lucky Draw)

    LK24 - Heat Stroke

    LK24 - Championship Purple (From Qualifying in First Tournament)

    LK24 - Backbwoods

    LK24 - Magnetic Pulse (From RUS-9U - ZX - 7000 Lucky Draw)

    LK24 - Nosebleed

    ICR-1 - Color Spectrum (From KN-44 - Color Spectrum Lucky Draw)

    ICR-1 - Nuclear Fallout

    ICR-1 - Retro Nuclear

    ICR-1 - Meteor Core (From Peacekeeper MK2 - Artifact Lucky Draw)

    ICR-1 - Phobos (From S36 - Phobos Lucky Draw)

    Man-O-War - Industrial Revolution

    Man-O-War - Cardinal

    Man-O-War - Pack Leader

    KN-44 - Eruption

    KN-44 - Living Rust

    KN-44 - Untamed

    KN-44 - Black Gold

    KN-44 - Championship Mindset

    HBRa3 - Black Gold

    HBRa3 - New Horizon

    HBRa3 - Procelain Yakuza

    DR-H - Chained

    DR-H - Comrade

    Peacekeeper MK2 - Blast Off

    FR .556 - Kuudere

    XPR-50 - Geometry (EXTREMELY RARE)

    XPR-50 - Arachnophobia

    XPR-50 - Dark Tech

    Arctic .50 - Black Gold

    Arctic .50 - Hot Spot

    Arctic .50 - Zero G

    Arctic .50 - Regicide

    M21 EBR - Royal Crimson

    M21 EBR - Magmacomb

    DL-Q33 - Red Action (Most OG Skin I own)

    DL-Q33 - Tiger's Eye

    Locust - Junk Punk

    Outlaw - Heat Stroke

    Outlaw - Ascending (From Fennec - Ascended Lucky Draw)

    Outlaw - Breach

    S36 - Ritual (From DL-Q33 - Zealot Lucky Draw)

    S36 - Slapstick (From ICR-1 Forced Laughter Lucky Draw)

    UL736 - Contamination

    UL736 - Forester

    RPD - Cyberspace (From MSMC - Space Station Lucky Draw)

    RPD - Orbit

    RPD - Mirage

    RPD - Carnivorous

    M4LMG - Black Gold

    M4LMG - Heat Stroke

    M4LMG - Moonstone

    M4LMG - Playmaker (From Qualifying for Tournament Season 2)

    Chopper - Fortress

    Chopper - Visceral (From DR-H - Wicked Claw Lucky Draw)

    RUS-79U - Viking

    RUS-79U - Moonstone

    RUS-79U - Barricade

    RUS-79U - Trioka

    RUS-79U - Bomb Baby

    RUS-79U - Karuta

    RUS-79U - Wretched

    Chicom - Oil Spill

    Chicom - Chevalier

    PDW-57 - Royal Crimson

    PDW-57 - Hot Spot

    PDW-57 - Beekeeper

    Razorback - Wrath Black & Gold (From AK-47 - Wrath Black & Gold Lucky Draw)

    Razorback - Stirrup

    MSMC - Wasteland

    MSMC - Heat Stroke

    MSMC - Spores

    HG 40 - Eruption

    HG 40 - Bloody Vengeance (From Type-25 Bloody Vengeance Lucky Draw)

    HG 40 - Meltdown (From AK117 - Meltdown Lucky Draw)

    HG 40 - Living Rust

    HG 40 - Collateral

    HG 40 - Flytrap

    Pharo - Cruise Missile

    GKS - Scion

    GKS - Pack Warrior

    Cordite - Third Rail (From Kar-98k - Railgun Lucky Draw)

    QQ9 - Flood

    QQ9 - Trendsetter

    QQ9 - Black Gold

    QQ9 - Merrymaker

    QQ9 - Mire

    AGR 556 - Byakko

    AGR 556 - Tree Topper (From QXR - Secret Santa Lucky Draw)

    AGR 556 - Dame Fortuna

    AGR 556 - Western Crown

    QXR - Roaring Steel

    QXR - Scorching Sun

    QXR - Close Catch

    PP19 Bizon - Yokai

    BY15 - Top Dog

    Striker - Barricade

    Striker - Aeronaut

    KRM-262 - Cutting Edge

    KRM-26 - Waterproof

    Echo - Demon Eyes

    Kilo Bolt-Action - Lazarus

    SP-R 208 - Lost Gothic


    Commons/Uncommons: Too many to ******* count (Here are some rare ones).

    HG 40 - Electric

    M21 EBR - Magic Eye

    AK-47 - Eye Candy


    Character skins: yea way too many to count again. (Here are some rare ones).

    Nikito - Dark Side

    Battery - Wasteland Warrior

    Battery - Capital

    Battery - Halfpipe Valentine

    Outrider - Mystic

    Scylla - Pink Hearted

    Ghost (OG Skin from First Battle Pass)

    Ghost - Stealth

    Reaper - Puzzle

    Ruin - Jade

    Seraph - Kitty Six

    Artery - Exoskeleton


    American Bulldog - Buckskin

    Merc 5 - Yellow Snake

    Scout 2 - Fire Walker

    After 20 years of typing all of this, if you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to message me. I'm sad to let this account go, but AMC stock is definitely worth more than this account lmao.

    my discord is :moneybank#5086 s-l1600 (7).jpg s-l1600 (8).jpg s-l1600 (9).jpg s-l1600.jpg
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