Sold Call Me Emperor VIP 7 Rank 30 Asia-S27

Discussion in 'Call Me Emperor Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by _krystalklear, 6/6/20.

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  1. _krystalklear

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    I'm selling my account because I have been inactive for half a year and need the money. I quit my alliance beforehand, so you might have to find a new one. Currently am Rank 30 in the server with a VIP 7, only 66660 Gold to VIP 8. Have God's Match Title, which is a permanent title. Also have 5k gold ingots and lots of items in the treasury left! DM me to ask for more info! The original price I spent on this game amounts to around USD2150. Please offer me a reasonable price.

    Contact me at Instagram.: _krystalklear for a faster deal!
    #1 _krystalklear, 6/6/20
    Last edited: 6/6/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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