Selling C9- account for sale Selling> C9 account 3...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by C9 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. C9 Accounts - Buy and Sell

    C9 Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    C9- account for sale Selling> C9 account 3 characters - 1 level 50 Arsonist (scout) (lvl 25 metal worker) 1 level 50 Berseker (Level 25 craftsman) 1 level 35 Taoist (Level 15 Alchemist) Scout is pure wis with lvl 47 rare gear and weapons Berseker wearing lvl 47 rare gear and lvl 43 Perfect shoulders and +9 lvl 43 weapon. Taoist is pure str wearing level 35 Oberon Hell set and level 35+9 Magic Rod. PM me n I will meet you ingame.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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