WTS NA 47x5 (47 5 stars) looking for money offers 170+ or roblox limited offers Discord: EGO#8008 Instagram.: egotistss C6 Ganyu C4 Hu Tao + BIS Yelan + BIS Xiao + R2 BIS Kokomi + BIS C1 Zhongli Raiden C1 Jean C1 Diluc + R3 BIS C1 Mona Childe Weapons Aqua Simulacra PJWS R2 Skyward Harp Skyward Blade Skyward Atlas R2 Skyward Spine R2 Staff of Homa The Unforged R2 Wolf’s Gravestone R3 LPttSW Everlasting Moonglow extras: no deadlinks well maintained good artifacts / builds for most chars