Sold C40 T5, max fire water lightning, CoR skin, vip 14, 16M honor, C36 farm

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Inataka, 10/14/21.

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  1. Inataka

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    Hi all,

    I have max:
    - Khan, Peter, Richard, YSG, L30 lightning dragon with half upgraded skills 142K power
    - Wu, William, Cyrus, Hippo, L30 fire dragon with half upgraded skils 122K power
    - Merlin, Harald, Atilla, ELIZABETH, L37 water dragon with almost max skills 192K power

    - Nearly perfect elemental gear on all marches, mostly upgraded to 40
    - Far along on ToK (Max DB, and level 7 for many orange skills)
    - 16M honor, very close to Duke
    - 5K USD + invested into this account...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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