Selling  Average  Android C40, c37, c31, 9 other farms and a maxed out alliance, k315, peaceful and active kingdom

Discussion in 'Guns of Glory Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PhantomPain1020, 1/10/21.

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  1. PhantomPain1020

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    I've played GoG for 2 years and I'm ready to sell my accounts. I have a 1.4B power c40, 4600/7700-8700 stats. Need 50 marquis badges for c41. I have a c37 and c31 that have a lot of troops. 8 farms that are c20-c24, and one that is c16. I have probably over 2B worth of food among my farms. Also included is a maxed out alliance. K315 is still very active and is peaceful. You don't have to shield daily. Only asking $700. That's a steal for an account with so many farms and rss that is close to c41.

    After transaction is complete I will give you Gmail accounts and passwords. Screenshot_20210102-031741_Guns of Glory.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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