Castle 25. Kingdom 1 (Previous kingdom was K3 but we already merged with K1). One of strongest alliance in kingdom and friendly with the strongest one. Lord 48. VIP 18. 10 heroes (Level 48/45/40 etc). High Research. Building & Research 90M power. With troops almost 100M power. Lots of resources. High equipments (conqueror, guardian, sagacious, glorious, berserker, etc). 70% are immortal gears. Very recommended. For detail line me : voldy.88 Payment by paypal or middleman. You can choose one.
Update : Castle 26. 350M power. VIP 20. Lord 51. Billions of rss. Most are immortal gears. Top 5 in kingdom for Knight Raid. Reach me on line for more details or interested to buy : voldy.88
Updated : Castle 27 Power almost 600M. HIGH RESEARCH. Equipment Power > 260M. VIP 21 (Close to VIP 22 - FREE LORD SKILL PRESET). LORD 53 (Close to Lord 54). BILLIONS RSS (Food, Wood, Iron, Stone). Gold +/- 200k. Full enhanced immortal (+1 to +7) Conqueror, Berserker, Saga, Guardian Captain, etc.
Update: Castle 27. Power almost 600M. VIP 21. Lord 53 (very close for 54). High research. Gold around 150k. Billions rss.
Updated : Power 660M+. Keep doing upgrades and researches. Highest equipment enhancement +8. Over 20 billions rss. Lord very close to Lord 55. VIP close to 22.