Selling Buying WTB Set 7 cards and other items for EUR / USD (50% off AH max)

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shadow666, 10/14/17.

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  1. Shadow666

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    Hello everyone,

    I'm looking to buy cards, mercenaries and equipment I miss from my wishlist (mainly Set 7), for either Euros or USD. I already bought and sold here, and I knew someone who used to get me a good rate per Platinum but apparently he's not around anymore.

    Here are my current needs :

    Mother Beatrice
    Tobias Belch

    Boltwing Phoenix x4
    Lord Blightbark x4
    Brosi-Buk, Mischief Master x1
    The Berry Bunch x1
    Critical Jamage x1
    Dreamcall x4
    Aegilus x2
    Permafrost x4
    Rot Sniper x2
    Hoarfrost Magus x4
    Glimmerfly Dance x4
    Feralroot Tracker x3
    Coldheart Reaver x4
    Runeclaw Berserker x4
    General's Tent x4
    Cartomancy x3
    Forgotten Triolith x4
    The Ruins of Ripplewood x4
    Pod of Shoggoth x3
    Succumb to Madness x4

    Blade of Sekki
    Fruit Punchers

    Please send me a quote with what you can offer and I'll get back to you asap. Thanks!
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