Sold Buying [WTB]-[NA]-[AV] Ambush/Imperator Reaper Gear.

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Calya, 12/10/16.

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  1. Calya

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    Heya everyone, I have returned too Tera after quite a long break and would like to catch up as quickly as I possibly can, so I'm looking too purchase gear for my Reaper, I'm pretty much looking too upgrade every slot available, so if you have Reaper gear you would like to part with, please let me know ^_^, thank you very much, and hope too hear from anyone.

    Looking For:

    • Scythes.
    • Armour pieces.
    • Jewelry.
    • Inner wear.
    • Royal Ghost Dragon Mount (throwing it in here just because I'm looking for it as well).
    • Gold, if the price seems reasonable.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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