Sold Buying WTB High level Cleric/Tank account

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by callmeaj, 4/12/17.

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  1. callmeaj

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    Looking for an account that has a 3k DC or Tank (OP pref but GF works as well) MUST have at least Sharandar, Icewind Dale, Elemental Evil, Dread Ring, Underdark and Maze Engine completed and able to at least start SKT and RD

    Prefer it to have decent companions/mounts of at least epic quality

    Would like some max professions as well, Leadership and Black Ice are a must, others are nice but not required

    Please send pictures to me on skype: Neithsmite

    Payment will be either Middleman or PayPal

    Middleman will be used if you don't have good rep

    Paypal will be used if you have good rep, or want to use epic's middleman The Integrity

    Looking at NO more than $100 but can negotiate depending on what the account has.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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