Sold Buying WTB>Destroyer on EU server group 1, 700ish ap, female.(More details in post)

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by paulia, 12/1/16.

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  1. paulia

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    Hi all,

    I'm lookin for a Destroyer on server group 1 on EU, with (i guess) around 700 ap.
    What I need is:
    1) legendary weap (baleful) doesnt matter which stage, but 6 sockets with 35ap gem plus HM gems for
    -ap lifedrain on crit focus recovery (blue one)
    -ap lifedrain on crit (purple one)
    -ap lifedrain on stunned/kd'd enemy (yellow)
    -ap critical (red)
    -ap hprecovery (green)
    2) ring neck earring bracelet maxed out (true python/yeti/asura) (otherwise legendary are cool too)
    3) least close to max (cba to upgrade it but meh it's not that important)
    4) HM skills: (in order of importance) V(shield, offals one -if u have 2 offals yet n missing just third it's not that much an issue), TAB (both, from 300 dailies and from yeti/necro), RMB (asura one mainly), LMB. I dont even mention emberstomp since any random destro around would have it yet xD
    5) a decent pet (one of those legendary ones i guess, I didnt play the pets patch so I'm not that much into them, but they look cool when I look at stats)
    7) A decent amount of fash is something I dont hate to have (especially shop ones are a good added value)
    8) Something useful also would be weapons from events (sunflower/pineapple/shark/halloween one n so on idk exactly names but just looks)
    9) AT LEAST maxed asura yeti soulshield.
    10) orb/soul i forgot name lvl 1+

    Basically what Im lookin for is an account which someone has been takin care of till now, and atm cant play or has got bored of.
    Idk if I should mention, but OBVIOUSLY it shud have mail transfer allowed (to pass it to any mail of my choice), and would be nice if the seller is the original owner of it.

    [If the ap of the toon is lower than 700 but has all the items I'm askin for, it's still good, I didnt exactly calculate how much ap u'd get with all those items stacked together, could be around 670-680)

    I like to keep myself safe when doin online transactions so we could use Middleman from here or any trusted midman.

    PS: I've pm'd over 10 diff sellers who made posts on different sites in last days, waiting for replies. Some of them I guess have sold yet their toons, some others maybe not. So in case Id get a faster reply from them than on here (but gettin on this post a reply aswell b4 I confirmed the buying from them), best price/destro wins.

    PM me here to ask me for skype if u prefer talking there, or we can discuss price and such in chat here.
    Thanks for your attention.

    PPS: If the account has a high (650/660+) ap toon other than the destro, it's an added value (especially if that class aint a summoner).
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