Sold Buying WTB account with KOTFE sub rewards.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mrdarts852, 10/25/16.

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  1. mrdarts852

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    I do not care how many level 65's you have, I dont care how many credits the account has. I do care about the mounts and gear you have unlocked but its not that big of a deal. The Main things the account has to have are:
    1) must be on a US server, no EU... PERIOD
    2) Must have the Nico Orr companion unlocked, HK55, and HK57. if you dont have them then dont waste my time.

    Hit me up on skype if you have an account fitting this decription at Tyler.j86.

    If you have 0 feedback, you will go first. I will gladly go first as long as you have more feedback then I do.

    Thanks in advance :D
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