Selling [Buying] WoW isk for good price

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by brother*, 11/6/18.

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  1. brother*

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    Hello i want to buy any amount between 1bil for 4.3$ .

    I am looking to buy a good amount of isk but I have some pretty strict requirements to protect myself and you as well. Please read my requirements and if you fit this bill and have a good amount of isk to offer (regardless of rep) contact me and we can work something out.

    1) All the isk must be earned by sanctioned methods (Excludes: Botting, AH Manipulation, Scamming and Theft)
    2) The isk must be traded by contract
    3) Payment method is Paypal preferred and skrill\wmz


    I will be looking to buy 10bil+ and I will most likely be buying on a regular basis. However, if you are quitting or looking to get rid of surplus I will still consider your offers!

    I am looking to pay $4-5$ per 1kkk but I have some wiggle room depending on the deal we can come to.

    Please contact me in skype [​IMG]
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