Sold Buying Want To Buy Warden lvl 105 (BoV)

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by captainblackeye, 7/12/17.

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  1. captainblackeye

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    As the title say i want to buy a Warden lvl 105 or BoV
    I dont want a high end Warden so the gear doesnt matter.
    The Server is also not important but should be on a High Populatet Server.

    I can only pay via Psc-Account.

    My Skype Name is Captainblackeye
    Land: Austria

    I would go first without any question if you are a trust Person with positive Feedback.
    If not? then i only trade via Middleman

    Have a Nice day :)
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