Selling Buying Wakfu Kama - Remington Server only!

Discussion in 'Wakfu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mysza, 9/11/17.

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  1. Mysza

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    Heyo, I'm looking to purchase Kamas on the Remington Server.

    Looking to purchase Kamas at varying rates depending on the amount of Kamas being sold. I'm currently looking to purchase about 50 million Kama worth currently but that might change in the coming future.
    The rates that I am looking to purchase at currently are:

    Orders of 1~10 Million at 1 USD per Million,
    Orders of 11~20 Million at 1.25 USD per Million,
    Orders of 21+ Million at 1.75 USD Per Million.

    If you can supply the whole 50 Million Kamas, I'd be willing to buy them at 2.25 USD per Million, however you need to contact me quickly otherwise any purchase before that will take that deal out the window.
    Deals are first come first serve. I only accept PayPal as the platform of transfer and all prices are in Unites States Dollars (USD).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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