Hi, I'm looking to buy an account that matches 70% or more with the following standards: - Level 250+ - 80 or more all max cards - Have outfits - Black plat cards, ex Atlantis, Maya - Should have cards from a variety of series, ex Ye Shiao Chai from Pili Puppets. Extra credits shall be given to those with 1. outfits unlocked for specific monsters and 2. multiple monsters (the good ones) within the same series. - Lots of harpies & baby harpies - Joint operation cards (seller will gain extra credits) - Cleared 7th seal - Arena & Coliseum cards - Rare seal cards, ex Lucy - Ultimate stages - Sealed Lords, Ultimate Lords, and Region Restricted Cards - 3 star draconic craft(s) Please dm me if you have an account that matches the standards above (70% or more) and are looking to sell it. Thanks.