Sold Buying/Selling - New Alpha Items Exploit Found *After Patch* LF Assistance

Discussion in 'Rocket League Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by caponeTG, 9/24/16.

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  1. caponeTG

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    We believe we have found a new updated version of the recently patched exploit, but we haven't been able to test it fully. Unfortunately as of now, we only have access to the Alpha Hat (on his main, not one of the alts, so don't get upset!), so we haven't been able to test it with any other items. Although, we assume it will work as we do not have reason to believe otherwise. Obviously before sales we need to confirm the method. Also, this is server sided, so others can see the items as well. Not the client sided version.

    Here's where you come in; If any of you have any of the other alpha items and would be willing to participate in the tests it would be greatly appreciated by both of us.

    What's in it for you? If it does work properly, you will receive 50% of all earnings from future sales (I know a few of you will dislike the selling part, sorry). Of our previous pre-patch sales, price was eventually set at $50. Although we believe with this updated version, price will begin at roughly $70 due to rarity. You will also be given details of the exploit so you can complete it by yourself. If by chance it doesn't work, you will be given your item(s) and an additional $15 via your preferred payment method.

    For questions/concerns, or if you're interested in helping please contact one of us. Can provide any information needed;

    My Kik: UKcaptech
    Friends Steam: /id/c4ypt

    For those who knew how to exploit pre-patch (VSG version), it's nearly the same way, but you have to change a plethora of smaller things after the SG to avoid psy and involves player2player SS items as other previous methods. (not released)

    (had to write this twice, feel like I'm forgetting something, oh well)
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