Sold [Buying] sell 3 account AAU on server crazzian EU

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by flohenn, 6/25/20.

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  1. flohenn

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    Hi , i sell 3 acount on archeage unchained on server crazian

    2 character 1 healer 45 dlc gold on new server 15k mining - 1 character tinnereph archer ancestral 16 5500GS 850 credit 200 diligence =55 euros

    Healer ancestral 6 gold pack dlc east human 4200gs 25k fishing ready to war!!! =80euros

    darkrunner ancestral 3 gold pack dlc east human 4000gs ready to war =80 euros

    pm for more info
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