Sold Buying Red Dead Redemption Account

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Games, 10/19/15.

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  1. Games

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    I will pay up to 100-200m depending on the prestige..

    I got a highest prestige one with 35k gamer score but it has no live atm will be a 2 year member in april.. but I think trading these wouldn't work you would need the save game file the prestige isn't linked by online...has every gold gun highest prestige every mount etc but as I said red dead isn't linked via online I would have to send you my save and you would need a transfer cable.

    I can sell you an account with red dead redemption and undead nightmare. Also has war horse. 6 months of live left ~


    Originally Posted by para182

    I got a highest prestige one with 35k gamer score but it has no live atm will be a 2 year member in april.. but I think trading these wouldn't work you would need the save game file the prestige isn't linked by online...has every gold gun highest prestige every mount etc but as I said red dead isn't linked via online I would have to send you my save and you would need a transfer cable.

    I think he means the game bought already which I have. So he can redownload the game with the account.

    I have one highest prestige+ level. Also has all golden guns. Hmu

    I Pm'd You back

    I have a downloadable account also, it has mw2 and other games and i think its 4th prestige or 5th , has the donkey horse thingy and i think gold guns, need to check

    You know you can mod this right?


    Originally Posted by dragonknight2.0

    You know you can mod this right?

    Yeah, but now they're banning everyone who does this , read Xbox Ban Appeal Forums


    Originally Posted by NewCummer II

    Yeah, but now they're banning everyone who does this , read Xbox Ban Appeal Forums

    I do it for all my friends and no ban???
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