Buying or eu high end account

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by thedoctor0416, 11/29/16.

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  1. thedoctor0416

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    Hello as the title says i am looking for a high end eso account NA or EU pc only i used to play eso a while back and sold my account and have recently decided i wanted to start playing again, however i dont want to start from scratch as i had 400+ cp and max crafter etc. what i am looking for

    Faction isnt of much importance, some must haves are

    max or more cp 700+ is preferred, but whatever the cap is atm 590 or w/e will be fine as well.
    a max crafter with 8+ traits preferably 9 traits and most motif's
    good pvp sets i used to main magicka templar and magicka dk in tanky builds my templar was an unkillable battle rezer something similar or mats to make my set would be nice. some other fun things like a ganker wood elf or kajhit stam nb or maybe a zerg bomb toon would be fun the main thing is that the account must have a versatile roster and well built pvp sets.

    I also like to pve so a good pve set would be nice preferably a magicka dps but more various sets the better. its always nice to be able to tank heal or dps on various toons

    the main and preferably 1 alt would have max skyshards undaunted and mages/fighters guild passives more the better.

    any extras are great, however the only requirements are that the more time consuming details are completed i played for a few months when the game came out then took a break and came back and played continuously for about a year, so I would like something that i can jump back in relearn and get going hardcore. thank you for checking this post out you can message me on skype at thedoctor0416 or here. I am also looking for a summoners war account whichever i find first is the one i will buy either eso or summoners war but since i already have a decent summoners war account id prefer to buy an eso account so get back with me lol.
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