Hey I'm buying Microsoft points..I'm looking to buy a $60 or more card. I am offering PayPal or RS3 GP for the points! PM on Sythe if you are selling any! Hey I'm still buying MSP! Still looking, and don't try to use a fake MM on me I will be requesting a PM in Sythe! Can sell you for PayPal money. I have two 3000 cards Still looking! I will do PayPal, but I would prefer to pay with RSGP! Bump! Will sell for PayPal for a lot cheaper bro, PM me I just bought a 15$ card from target today. Long story, don't need it. Can you still buy? Looking for $60 or more MSP! PM me on Sythe! Bump! Looking for $60 or more MSP! I can use RSGP or PP! you can add my skype wang.nguyent Quote: Originally Posted by Khalin you can add my skype wang.nguyent Added Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! Still buying! why do people even buy ms points, it's full of love you lmao. ms just makin bank off you son Quote: Originally Posted by Vladzia why do people even buy ms points, it's full of love you lmao. ms just makin bank off you son Lol, you think Microsoft is making bank off people?? Have you ever heard of Apple? Apple is the biggest rip off love you I've ever seen...They make all their love you in China for like 5 cents, and re sell it in America for a $1,000 or more depending on what you're buying. And many Americans buy that love you up because they think they're "cool" hipsters or something.