Selling Buying looking to buy an end game tier account (with froid, morse or schrodinger).

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kikuu, 9/19/17.

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  1. Kikuu

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    Account doesn't have to be able to clear every ulti wizard quest ever, just have units good for them.

    preferably with the KoF units like Iori, Kyo98 and/or Mai as well as either Froid/Schrodinger/Morse (my favorite units but I know no one will have all 3 lol.) but any other fes is ok too.

    The more fes, ranking unit, ulti wizard (doesn't have to be awakened) and good event exclusives (like summer cao cao) I will pay more. Hoping to get one at around 120$ but if its super good I don't mind paying even more.
    Will pay via paypal.

    PM me your screenshots and the price you want at my line id mynonexistancedick or email [email protected]
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