Selling Buying Looking to buy a JP starter!

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wheneverking, 4/3/17.

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  1. wheneverking

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    i'm looking to buy a JP starter with 3+ URs. i'm offering paypal, as well as this account if someone is interested. i'm hoping for a tricolor, but if it's all cards i love, i might consider otherwise.

    **some other miscellaneous requirements**
    best girl: mari mari mari
    girls i DON'T want: nico, rin, ruby, hanayo, you, hanamaru, chika (not a huge fan of their URs, but i will still consider accts with minimum amts of these girls).
    sets i DON'T want: baseball, cheer, basically anything sport-related.

    post or DM offers here, or message me @ everking on tumblr!
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