Buying Looking For An Updated Global Account ; Willing to Put Up $500-$750 USD

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HadariSama, 11/14/16.

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  1. HadariSama

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    I'm in the market for an up-to-date global account on Brave Frontier. My last account that I sold not too long ago, was an extremely "top tier" account, with the majority of everything you could ever ask for in it. From great spheres, to several, SEVERAL units, I had it going for me, and the account was legitimate as well; I spent about 3yrs & easily over $1k on it. Anyways, as ironic as it may seem, I sold the account, thinking that I was done with BF, only to find out that I not only miss the game entirely, but most of my inner-circle friends all apparently play, too. I want to get back into the game, regardless of what others may think about it, and I'm going to be looking for another really friggin good account- No joke. I just have some high standards that I'd appreciate most, and I'll put up half of a thousand US dollars (# within reason) if those standards are met by anybody interested in selling me their account. Simply leave a comment, with some other way to contact you (preferably Kik, Facebook., or through email), & I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If it helps to know, I'll be looking for consistent picture/screenshot proof of the existing account, so have that prepared to display before hand, please. I'll list some of the things that I'm looking for the account to have, down below ~ Thanks!

    Desired Standards

    • Preferred Lv of 500, but will work with Lvs 400/+ ; nothing less
    • Must have a minimum of 750 unit slots & a minimum of 500 item slots
    • Must have a fully upgraded Town
    • Must have all of "Quest" completed
    • Must have completed all Raid missions, or have made it to RC6
    • Please, have completed all GGC's, GGQ's, FG missions, Trials (I can do them all myself, but I'll sell sooner to those who've already done them)
    • Please, have reached at least Perses rank in the Arena (not exactly necessary, but will only consider ranks higher than Daybreaker)
    • Please, have reached stage #60 in the Colosseum (not exactly necessary, but will only consider stages higher than #40)
    • Please, have reached HR50 (I'll consider anything over HR35, really)
    • Please, have at least 1 of every Raid sphere crafted (I'd love them all, & multiple of each too, but primarily looking for WDB's, BA's, and TS's)
    • Please, be apart of a guild already, with its level being no less than 30

    Some Important General Tips

    • The "more" of anything on the account, the better (more records completed, achievements unlocked, player levels reached, units, etc.)
    • My base budget is $500 USD, but if some of you offer accounts that are very note worthy or even go above my standards, then I will be willing to pay out extra (up to $750 USD max, total), so the closer your offered BF account is to how things were on my very own previous account, the more likely I'll be interested in working with you
    • I was very big on my collection of units, so much that I kept 1 of every single 6*-capable unit or higher. Basically, I owned an array of units (over 500 6*, 7*, & OE units, altogether [excluding evo mats, etc]), and to me, no 6-star (6*) unit/+ was a wasted one, so if you've got a lot of the newer units, limited edition/Global exclusive units, & especially classic units, I'd definitely strive to buy your account first
    • Similar to my point above, I was somewhat of a sphere fanatic; the larger the assortment of USEFUL spheres that you possess, the better


    If you're honest, up-front, and legitimate with me, I'll be the exact same way with you. Do not try to screw me over, and just know that I'd never do likewise in return. CONSISTENT proof of the existing account (displayed with pictures/screenshots) is REQUIRED, and I will be asking to see every nook + cranny there is. I'm not here to play games, just to make friendly business. Please, respect that. I genuinely look forward to all of everyone's offers, so let's get to it. Again, thanks so much, & have a fantastic day! :eek:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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