Sold Buying Looking for Aeore Healer 99ish, geared. Trading other game accounts. Details

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xilluxi, 2/8/17.

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  1. Xilluxi

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    My Lineage 2 account got #. I really want to get back into the game but I just can't level all the way up, again. I'm looking for an Aeore 99ish who is geared. I have A LOT of game accounts. From Smite, TSW lifetime sub, BDO, GW2, Marvel Heroes. It goes on and on. If you are looking for a game account I probably have it laying around collecting dust. I usually spend a lot in cash shops so there will be some value to the account, also. If something like this works for anybody, please let me know.

    Message me here or e-mail [email protected]
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