Buying Looking for account

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by XHeartless, 4/5/17.

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  1. XHeartless

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    Hey guys
    im looking for my old account I sold here in these forums
    at the time of sale he was in chengfeng on disguise from rg

    rg inner and forth set where maxed
    the betrayal list he had was wxtensive
    butbhe betrayed scholars 3x and BBC x3

    had full jade with a jade blade chef called TheFirstBlade
    also had jade chef twin daggers and a jade stick

    no ancients on the account
    but a lot of cash sets.

    if anyone can help me locate him I'd be grateful
    i want to get back into wushu and with my original account

    please email me at [email protected]
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