Sold Buying LF NA starter account, paying up to $100

Discussion in 'Puzzle & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by epicplayercharacter, 11/1/16.

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  1. epicplayercharacter

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    I wish to buy a starter account (preferably under rank 20) with the following:

    - Liu Bei (must be in the box)
    - Pandora (must be in the box)
    - Liu Bei and Pandora subs such as Verdandi, Green Sonia, Akechi, and Zuoh
    - Krishna + subs
    - Kaede + subs
    - Sumire + subs

    I am willing to pay up to $100 depending on the monsters and stones in the account. Please PM me for offers.

    Edit: I will also consider high rank accounts, but they would need to have more of the monsters I listed.
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