Sold Buying Kammas in need of a longterm seller at best rate possible

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Gerathompson2k, 6/15/17.

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  1. Gerathompson2k

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    I'm looking for a reliable source of kammas at the best possible rate,but I'm not willing to pay stupid rates as i'm looking to spend $70 to begin with, would love to find someone who'd do me $1 per MK but no one seems to go as low but if one of u kind folks wanna help me out due to all my stuff being stolen in the time space of 3 years (decided to come back and play again) resulting me in reequipping my character's one by one, id appreciate it, i hardly log this so please email me on [email protected] so we can make a deal and discuss future transactions.
    Server:Echo ? **** knows what happened to the classics i'm assuming they have been merged together to make one which is only making this such an anticipation for me
    Thank you x
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