Sold Buying I would like to buy an AION Account! Send me your offers!

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Novun, 12/21/16.

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  1. Novun

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    I would like to buy your AION account! I don't have any preferences yet so send me what you have for sale!

    Send me you offers via Private Message please!

    I may not react to posts in this thread and please don't add me on skype before I get all of the information regarding the account via Private Message.

    Include the price and as much information regarding the account as you can in your description!

    Also send a few screenshots if possible. Thanks!

    I'm especially interested in:

    Higher level characters! 60+
    Accounts with low amounts of Kinah!

    Please don't offer accounts over 20$.

    You must be the original owner!
    No previous weird IP Changes on account!
    No Kinah or Account trading previously on the account!
    You will also have to go first if you don't have a lot of feedback!

    I can pay via Paypal or Skrill.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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