Selling [Buying] High End GW2 Account - NA - Max Mastery/High AP/AV

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noctiic, 3/4/21.

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  1. Noctiic

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    Looking to purchase a serious high end, end game account to replace my personal account that was suspended indefinitely. I am looking for an account that is very similar to mine in value and items as I do not want to grind out all of the items/mats again. List of requirements below:

    Must be original owner
    Must have serial keys for game and DLC’s
    Must have email transferred to my email upon purchase or or with email for account.
    I will ask for the last 4 digits of the credit card used to make purchases on the account for security purposes.
    I will need the birthdate associated with the account for security purposes.

    All legendary raid armor (light/medium/heavy)
    Progress on WvW/PvP legendary armor is a plus
    All legendary trinkets (backpack, x2 trinket, x2 ring, amulet) if all legendary backpacks are not unlocked I would like to see decent progress towards completion for the missing backpacks, same for the ring

    Legendary weapons aren’t a huge deal, but would be nice to see a few and or have collections completed for gen 1/2.

    High achievement points
    All mounts/masteries
    At least 9 characters - (one of each profession) - LV80, PoF/HoT elite specs done
    100% map completions on at least one character

    Fractal rank 100
    Omnipot/infinite mist pots

    Resources to craft etc. (high amounts of karma, laurels, obsidian shards, clovers, provisioner tokens, mystic coins, ecto, spirit shards etc.)

    All living world seasons.

    Home instance needs to be in good shape node wise
    Would like all converters/QoL items that are achievement based. (Herta/Mawdrey II, Ley-Line, Karmic, Gleam of Sentience, Star of Gratitude, Mystic Forge, all portal scrolls, gobblers, permanent access contracts, ******** gizmo’s, perma salvage tools, at least copper and silver-o-matics and bonus for runecrafters, position rewinder, white mantle portal, infinite gathering tools w/volatile magic/bounty/watchwork)

    Max crafting level on all craft (scribe not necessary but nice to have)

    Personal guild bank or multiple is a plus
    Li/LD currency available, fractal relics in abundance

    Large selections of ascended items for characters.
    2000/2000 mat storage
    Max shared inventory slots
    Max bank tabs
    Extra build/equipment templates is a plus

    Good selection of weapon/armor skins/dyes/mount skins

    Good amount of LWS3/4 map currencies
    Lots of keys for # chests
    Lots of ascended shards of glory, lots of proofs and testimonies of heroics, lots of dungeon currencies, tomes of knowledge

    PvP rank 65+
    WvW rank 800+

    If you have made it this far, I’m assuming you have an account I would be interested in. Please contact me via Discord: Noctiic#8148

    I will pay via PayPal or Skrill
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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