Buying GameCampus DriftCity account

Discussion in 'Drift City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 6/30/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hey all, i want to buy a high level drift city account and im from singapore.

    Offer me what you have at 81547952, sms only thanks, no calls will be taken.

    My budget is 80-100 so yea, im buying your accounts( PS Singaporeans only cos i no paypal :X)

    EDIT: Have paypal now

    u can ADD cc?

    CC? Yea i guess i can. If you mean sending by mobile or paypal. i guess.

    i got a lvl 65 and like 20 something and 4 with 24 mil that i can sell you

    Wanna buy a level 71 account with Aria mini v9 ?

    still want to buy an account?

    yes i still want to buy an account

    i've got a level 83 account with a v9 and a few v7's and it gets 231 speed. if your interested my email/msn = *****************************************************

    added you in your email o.o
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