Sold Buying EU BNS low level account, any class is ok.

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mmobread, 1/10/17.

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  1. mmobread

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    Buying BNS Accounts on EU, from Level 16 - Level 25

    Only cheap accounts. Max 20 USD.

    1. I ask original mail connected to the account or mail dedicated ( anyway i want history old mail ) ,and other imformation if needed, such as birthday.

    2. Account need to be clear no BANS and NO Warnings.

    3. you need to provide all the information of the account creation (when I purchase) , I ask for accounts always scan id ( driver license or # )

    4. Remember put in your post or in your pm your price for account.
    Payment Methods:

    1.PayPal (verified paypal account)
    [COLOR=#ff8c00][B]4.Western Union ( always without tax )[/B][/COLOR][B][B]

    [COLOR=#ff8c00][B]Ways of Contact(put in your post or in your pm or in email your price for account, before add my skype)[/B][/COLOR][B][B]

    [B]skype kirbinbiz
    [B]email [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
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