Buying DNEU high-end account!

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MrEwOk, 5/30/17.

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  1. MrEwOk

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    Dragon Nest Europe account wanted!

    I'm buying a high-end DNEU account. Price is always #, and will be discussed in private.

    Requirements to the account (No need for all of them to be checked, but as long as you can say yes to some of them)
    • Plenty of gold
    • IDNL gear or furies
    • FD plates/talisman
    • Fresh friends list (Or CC to change name(s))
    • Good costume(s)
    • Good titles

    • Genesis Accs

    Things to notice:
    I do not play loli characters or clerics, so in all honesty, having those 2 type of chars geared would not be considered as a price indicator for me. Classes that really drives it up would be: ML/LK, Barb, Destroyer, Black Mara, Sniper, and Artillery.
    I don't really care if there's a guild or not, I will most likely change it.
    I prefer to use PayPal as payment method, and I will happily provide payment for middleman services. If your account is desireable.

    Contact me on PMs or leave your discord/skype tag.

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