Account for Sale Main Character Information WTB DAoC account - Mid/Devon! Account Information Must be Mids on the Devon cluster - RR6+ any class except no stealthers. My AIM is Ensley03, contact me if you have this! Account for Sale Main Character Information WTT US DAoC Accounts[RR11 ect] for a Euro AoC account! Account Information Yes that's right.. i am offering a RR11 Sorc with various 50 alts on the Alb/Devon Cluster [Probably the hottest cluster right now] Also has a 6L8 bard, RR6 Champ and more on Devon too! In exchange for an EU Age of Conan Account. The Age Of Conan account must have some time on it, must be a European AoC account! Has to be on an English server ... DOES NOT have to be lvl 80.. I will take anything 40+ if it's on the YMIR server! AIM/ me if you have something! Cheers. Lakkoda. Account for Sale Main Character Information Level 50 Wizard!! Account Information 25$ Paypal!! contact me on aim!!! Account for Sale Main Character Information WTT Devon RR9 Wizard Account Information Hello, I move to hibs and i want to trade my account with RR9 Wizard and some low rr chars. I want on devon hibs a bard, Champion or a Hero. AIM: taurashlancelot Account for Sale Main Character Information WTB Hib Account on Dev. Account Information i am Looking for a Hib account on Devon cluster. Give me you best Shot Account for Sale Main Character Information WTS: Multiple DAoC Classic Server Accounts / CHEAP!!!! Account Information I have multiple level 50's for sell on the Bossiney Classic Server cluster. Here is a listing a few of the 50's I currently own. All accounts come with the secret word. I'm selling these accounts for cheap, so if you're interested please PM me / post here / or contact me via AIM. aim: atonsailor accounts: Level 50 Theurgist Level 50 Animist Level 50 Heretic Level 50 Valewalker ...and much more. I'll give you a full listing and most of the 50's are seperate though a couple of the accounts contain two level 50's. Again I'm letting these all go for VERY cheap. Thanks for looking!! Account for Sale Main Character Information DAoC updates 1/10 Account Information Grab Bag, Full to Bursting from Sanya Thomas 2003-01-10 19:28:09 And we're off! Q: I am playing on the RP servers, and it seems like by the time a CSR arrives at the scene, the person I appealed for being a jerk in open channels has quieted down. The thing is, he’s been a jerk for two weeks straight, and I’m sick of appealing him. What can I do to speed up the process? A: The first thing to do after sending us an appeal is /ignore him. If your ignore list is full, try taking some people off ignore – chances are good the first person you put on that list has moved on. (And of course, you are welcome to send me a feedback form requesting a bigger ignore list!) The reason I suggest ignoring the creature is simply because if it’s annoying you, it’s probably annoying everyone else in the area and we’ve gotten a hundred appeals on it. We will pull logs, and do whatever we need to do. One thing you can do, by the way, is be sure you choose the "violation" option from the drop down menu that appears. (Type /appeal Muttonhead is using the /br channel to talk about Britney Spears’ wawas here in Jordheim, and has not stopped even though I’ve asked him to, hit enter, and choose "violation.") Those appeals take higher priority than the generic appeal, and will bring a CSR to the area that much quicker. If you’re wondering if you’re choosing the right options from the menus, check out the Herald sidebar, where you will see a new link called How to Appeal. Check it out! (By the way, don’t forget to ask the offender to stop before you send the appeal. As with all harassment and channel violation policies, when we pull logs we need to see that you did make a polite attempt at handling the situation. We only step in if you tried and failed.) Q: Respec stones on Ebay. Nice. A: Yeah, I had a hunch it wouldn't take long for the farmers to whip out the overalls and tractors. Item sales are against our EULA, and we will take action against anyone we catch at it. We are also continuing to evaluate the respec situation in-game. Please feel free to send me links to illegal auctions. Q: The book I bought says that as an assassin I get a bunch of skills when I level. But I don’t seem to. A: The book is an excellent reference guide – I use it myself #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif But like most things in life, it’s not perfect. Some of the abilities on that list aren’t level based, they are stealth spec based. Here’s the list: 5 Distraction 8 Danger Sense 10 Safe Fall I 16 Detect Hidden 20 Safe Fall II 25 Climb Walls 30 Safe Fall III 40 Safe Fall IV Before I am swarmed by people who have issues with higher levels of safe fall and detect hidden, I would like to say that I have passed on the feedback. Q: What does Danger Sense do? A: Detects Scout monsters. As in, you’ll get a message that says something like "You detect you are being watched" if a scout monster is giving you the evil eye. Q: In the 1.59A patch notes it mentions in the "Items" section "The Deathsight Perfection Bracer (Albion) has had its magic bonuses slightly altered so that it will not continue to generate a "fails to affect you" message. The new magic bonuses are: resist darkness 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat int +9." My questions are: Since when is there a resist called darkness? What characters/monsters use the darkness type attacks? Will I be able to obtain resistance to that type of attack? A: Whoops! This is a simple typo in the patch notes. It should have said "The new magic bonuses are: resist cold 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat int +9." There isn’t any such thing as a darkness attack. Q: Does Mastery of the Arcane work on debuff spells as well as "buff" spells listed as stated on the Realm Abilities list? Spells such as the necromancer AF debuff series of spells? A: Mastery of the Arcane does work on AF debuffs. Q: Could you please explain the proposed (1.59a notes)change to necro power taps in more detail? The notes say "Necro power taps cast on monsters now cap the amount of power regained at the monster's current hitpoints or level, whichever is lower." I assume that means that if you use the spec 1 power tap on a Level 1 monster you get back 1 power at a casting cost of 2 power? Likewise if you cast the spec 25 tap on a L18 mob you would get a max 18 power back for a casting cost of 15? A: This is correct. The cap does not apply when casting on players, of course. The effect of this is that in groups (where you are fighting higher level monsters), and in RvR (where you aren't capped by target level), you'll gain much more power, which are where the spell is really supposed to shine. The current system is basically allowing for zero downtime in solo combat, which is not the intent for any class. Q: Why can’t you character copy from Gaheris or the Dred servers over to Pendragon? A: Because on those servers, a troll might be in Tir Na Nog when the copy takes place, and Pendragon is a regular ruleset server, and therefore said troll will be # to death by lurikeens and have no way to escape a horrible death loop and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Q: How do scam artists GET our emails to send us those stupid attempts at password theft in the first place? A: The most common way involves checking your profiles on message boards. Another method involves basically just taking your character name and adding @ or @ or another common free email service. My advice is to keep your emails private if the board offers you an option, or set up a dummy free account to use for things like board registration. Q: What do you do to stop the scammers besides warning us on the Herald? A: There are several things we can do. We report them, and we contact email providers and tell them their service is being illegally used. We have very good relationships with some providers – the guy at , for instance, is the best when it comes to helping us track down and shut down cretins. If you work for an email provider and would like to form a relationship with us to help fight the battle, drop me a line! Q: I never got your email about (insert topic here) because my free email account exceeded its storage space. A: Many of the free services have premium upgrades that charge a very small fee for insane amounts of space. It's either that or clean out your inbox #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Q: When I type /who nameofzone, I get back people’s guild names and zones I didn’t type in. Any way to limit my searches? A: Yes. Type /who "Nameofzone" – the search needs the quotes and you need to pay attention to which letters should be capitalized. Q: This question: "Q: I am level 40. I have Celtic Duel specced to 39, and Blades to 21. I’m seeing seriously conflicting answers as to whether or not I should take the blade spec higher" got a seriously wrong answer lo these many moons ago. A: It indeed was quite wrong. Here was the word I got today – Celtic Duel and your weapon spec are two totally different skill checks. (You can’t directly compare CD with left axe.) Your spec in Celtic Duel determines only the percentage chance of you getting a second swing during that round of combat. Celtic Duel has nothing to do with the damage either swing can do. The amount of damage done by the weapon is determined by your weapon spec. As we’ve all discussed before, raising your spec helps you to do more damage in two different ways. First, it raises the damage ceiling, meaning the maximum amount of damage a single swing can do. Second, it lowers your variance, meaning the distance between the minimum damage you can do and the maximum damage you can do, by bringing up the minimum damage limit. Everyone has a base damage figure with any given weapon type, involving your class and level (among other factors). Being able to specialize in a weapon type means you will do your base damage times a percentage factor. (Remember, however, that the base damage number is also affected by what it was that you’re attacking – your target’s armor and damage types will also affect the damage.) The formula numbers given in August are all too low these days – part of the melee improvements a few patches ago was to raise those percentages significantly across the board. So in the example above, I can’t really answer the player. Which is preferable to you? Having a greater chance to swing twice in a single round of combat, or having each swing count for more? How high you spec past half level depends mostly on which styles you want to use, although certainly someone who has fully specced in their weapon will be doing more damage, and more consistent damage, across the board. In the end, though, it’s up to you and the kind of character you want to play. Q: I want to change my last name. Can I? A: Sure. Go to the last name registrar and type /lastname Insertnamehere just like you did the first time you got a name. The registrar will charge you ten gold for the privilege. All you fashionistas out there, there’s a terrific solution available to the question of "but does this color really WORK for me" - click here and see Dye Chart. The famous Maia, who updates for Catacombs and for The Grail Brotherhood aka Grail News put it together for another famous person, Darkflame from the Camelot chapter of Allakhazam's. Please remember, the chart was made with torches on, and in daylight conditions. Colors can look different under different lighting. Also, colors will appear differently depending on the computer system and the quality of the monitor – so what you preview at work might look different when you go home. But caveats aside, it’s a really nifty chart, and so a big thank you to Maia for all her hard work, and to Allakhazam’s for playing host to this useful tool. (/public service announcement on) Y'all, speaking of community tools and websites, consider subscribing to a premium service or at least clicking on an ad banner now and again. If you use an Emblem Previewer or a Dye Chart or a Character Builder or a map site or a message board, or even if you just go to the same site over and over because their link list is better than your bookmarks, it costs the host money. If you found something helpful and worth a few bucks, give the author a little boost - if we the users don't support these sites, eventually they'll either shut down or charge big bucks to use them. (/public service announcement off) I'm off the soapbox for the night, I swear. #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Time to log in! Have a great weekend. Account for Sale Main Character Information WTS DAOC account cheap Account Information WTS DAOC -Comes with all expansions. Have an alb female necro lvl 44 on the co-op server. She comes with house, horse, also has some plat on her. Vaults are full of items to twink with or sell. Wearing labs set currently. In very nice guild currently that helps out a lot. Account is active until the end of March. 30$ for this account. Just looking to sell quickly, contact me if your interested via email- Thanks! Account for Sale Main Character Information wts daoc cdkey $16 Account Information wts daoc cdkey $16! Account for Sale Main Character Information DAoC updates 1/07 Account Information 1.58 from Sanya Thomas 2003-01-07 10:45:02 (Edit 11:02 - The format error has been fixed. Thanks #/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif) Servers are returning, so I guess you'll be wanting these: ===================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.58 Release Notes Tuesday, January 7, 2003 ===================================== RESPEC NOTES In order to give players the chance to respec at high levels, we've put in the ability to find objects in the world that will grant the player a realm ability or career specialization respec. Because of their extreme power and high worth, these objects are currently found only on the dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalpinulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these will be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones. These stones can be traded or sold to other players as any other object in the game. Luminescent stones can then be taken to special new type of NPC (listed below) and turned in to receive the associated Career or Realm respec. Please note that after performing a respec, all choices made are your responsibility. Here are the respec NPCs, the objects they will take, and their respec abilities: Camelot: Ellette Redding - Luminescent Exerpise Stone – Career Skill Respec Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Exeregum Stone – Realm Skill Respec Jordheim: Tordis - Luminescent Exerpise Stone – Career Skill Respec Haili - Luminescent Exeregum Stone – Realm Skill Respec Tir na Nog: Dywana - Luminescent Exerpise Stone – Career Skill Respec Bretta - Luminescent Exeregum Stone – Realm Skill Respec WINDOWED MODE NOTES We're holding off on Windowed mode for the time being, while we address some technical and support issues. We'll keep you posted on when it will arrive. NEW THINGS ND BUG FIXES - NPCs that are charmed and have healing abilities now will generate more aggression. - Necromancers can no longer control siege weapons in shade mode. - You can now use left-axe styles on PVE and PVP servers if wielding Albion slashing or Hibernian blade weapons. - Monsters will no longer accept stacked items as quest triggers. - We fixed a bug where you could have a difficult time picking to select monster in dungeons or in front of objects. - Damage adds are now clamped to be the maximum possible damage you could have done in a swing rather than the actual damage done (which was subject to randomness). This will allow those classes that have damage-adds but cannot spec in weapons (i.e. clerical classes) to once again be able to use damage-adds to help them solo monsters. - When a player in a group casts an AE damage spell, it no longer puts everyone in the group into combat. This will mean that abilities such as Mystic Crystal Lore will now "work" the way they did previously. LINE OF SIGHT FIXES - Necromancers now must be visible to their controlled creatures to perform "pet cast" spells. This fixes the exploit where Necromancers could park their pets in keep towers and wander around outside, and have their pets cast at the Necromancer's target. - Pets of classes such as the Enchanter, Animist, and Bonedancer (and any other class that can cast offensive spells) will not be able to cast spells on a target unless that target is visible to the pet. We expect this fix to take care of the LOS issues for Enchanter-type pets most of the time, but players still may run into situations where the spells are cast even though the pet cannot "see" its target. We will continue to work on this problem as needed. PVP SERVER NOTES We've analyzed the player numbers and level progression on Modred and Andred and are now making some changes calculated to bring up the population of the PvP servers. Based on our analysis, we've found that even though players get more experience from killing other players, they still level slower than on the live servers on average because they take more deaths (both PvE and PvP) than do players on the normal servers. In light of this, we're making the following changes: - We've increased the experience gained by killing level 1 - 30 monsters. - Experience for killing other players has been increased. - on PVP servers there's now a 5 minute timer for no experience, realm points, or gold. This timer used to be 15 minutes, which resulted in the majority of PvP kills not generating experience, realm points, or gold. - Low level dungeons (those under 30th level) have been made PvP-safe (i.e. no kill zones). - The maximum level cap for a few of the dungeons have been changed: - Cursed Tomb will be capped at 32 - Vendo Caves will be capped at 44 - Koalinth Caverns will be capped at 32 - In patch 1.59 (i.e. the next live patch after this one), the maximum level cap for Catacombs of Cardova will be changed to level 45. The delay for the changes in these dungeons are dependent upon the epic quests that some classes may need to complete. It is highly recommended that players on the Arc of Ages and Craft of Retribution quests complete these quests before this change goes live. - In order to ease new characters into the PvP server community, we're putting all newly created characters in a series of "newbie" guilds. These guilds are roughly based on the character's starting location, so all players in the same area will probably be in the same guild. There are four guilds per Realm, each named based on the geographical location. Characters can remove themselves from these guilds by doing a "/gc quit" any time. Please note that characters can technically remain in these guilds for the life of their character, should they choose to do so. Being automatically put in a guild at creation gives new characters an instant chat group and a sense of community with the other players around them. They can discard this guild at any time, and join a player-run guild when they meet the right guild. SPELL AND REALM ABILITY NOTES - Added Determination to the Savage realm ability list. - Fixed some bugs in the power costs of the Animist Sap Strength line. Some were taking no power at all, and some were taking too much. Now all are set to the correct power cost. - The Animist Briar Eruption spell should now be properly awarded at L17 in the Verdant Mastery line. - The Animist Woodspirit Sheath (AOE Bladeturn) line in Verdant Mastery should now pick targets to buff correctly. Please note that it still (correctly) picks random targets in its AOE (up to its maximum), so not everyone in the area will be protected. CLASSIC CAMELOT WORLD NOTES On the PVP and Co-operative servers you can now buy spell crafting materials used by the other realms in each realms major city. - In Tir Na Nog look for Morolt. - In Camelot City look for Anyon Becket. - In Jordheim look for Embla. Midgard Quests: Bonedancers working on the "Saving the Clan" quest should no longer have to /say Arnfinn to Danica continue on the level 48 portion of the quest. Also, Arnfinn should now respond to Bonedancers and step them on the quest. Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: Resolved a problem with couriers broadcasting when entering their destination keep region. Couriers should now only broadcast when initially spawning. Dungeon: Earthquakes have shaken the Silvermine Mountains, collapsing large portions of the Spraggon Den. The spraggons, confused and disoriented by the earthquake sought a new leader to guide them. Finally, one was chosen to lead them. His first order of business was to rebuild the den. Adventurers on the live servers are warned of this Pendragon note. Please do not log out in the spraggon den, or your character may log in and fall through the world. Items: Midgard: The Bonedancer reward 'Odin's Eye Choker' now has the correct skill bonus on it (Bone Army). SHROUDED ISLES WORLD NOTES - The horse from Caer Diogel to Caer Gothwaite will no longer run through the middle of trees. Albion Quests: Players working on the quest "Restoring the Magic" should once again find Adelon on the ground instead of too far away to speak to him. Albion Dungeon: Krondon: There was an error with the faction of the ogres inside of Krondon where players have been receiving positive faction hits with the faction of ogres inside of Krondon by slaying monsters on the Drakoran Legion faction. We have retro-actively corrected this on Pendragon - and it will go live with the next version. The ogres inside of Krondon will now be aggressive towards all intruders that venture into their domain, regardless of any previous faction gains. Note that this change will not affect the ogres outside of Krondon. Albion Monsters - The hit points and resistances on Apocalypse have been lowered a bit. - Rain elements in Aldland will now disappear when they kill a target and after they have been in combat for 20 seconds. Albion Quests: Players stuck on step 5 of "Spirits of the Orchard" can now get their seeds from Tomos by right-clicking on him. If Tomos is not up, players will have to kill Nalsor again to spawn Tomos, then right-click on him. (Note that this change was also read into the live servers) Items - Noguribando's Vest (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate bonus amounts. - Grul's Glorious Trident (Midgard) should now drop at the correct level with appropriate bonuses.