Buying DAOC Buy Accounts, Buy Account Dark Age of Camelot, Dark Age of Camelot Character

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTS] Shaman uthgard ( 7L5+ )

    Account Information
    WTS shaman 50 7L5 +++ uthgard ( can't say exactly the rr but is more of 7L5 ) -Kobold -Full templated caped with pads -First hand char ( never sold ) -Come with some golds and drops salvage / barrels . -pm me serious offert-

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information

    Account Information
    Looking for radar that works on freeshards. PM me.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTS] Cleric uthgard

    Account Information
    WTS RARE cleric 48 uthgard ! - FULL sc lvl 50 with pads - "Under 3L" , so cleric is ready to play for thid and finish lvl 50 to the cap "4L2" - 2P5 cash -First hand ( never sold ) -Pm serious offert-

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Wie erstellt man einen eigenen DAoC Server

    Account Information
    Hallo EPvP's . . . ich würde gern mal einen eigenen DAoC Server starten um mit kumpels DAoC zu zocken und damit ich mal einen auf GM machen kann ^^ Ich lese immerwieder sachen wie, man muss programieren können etc . . . Ich finde aber auch keine komplette und vor allem deutsche Anleitung dazu :/ vielleicht kann mir hier ja jemand helfen. Ich dachte man muss einfach nur die server exe und doe config exe runterladen . . . die dinger starten und gut dem is aber leider nicht so -.- also daoc is installiert portal is installiert daoc server und config . .. .. was muss man noch alles machen ?

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB Hib/Alb Account

    Account Information
    Hi all, I am looking for an uthgard acc. Full template is better, the RR dosent really matter, i'll study all proposition. Hib : > Battlemaster > Ranger > NS > Hero Alb: > Sorc > Cleric > Scout > Infi > Minst Thanks in advance for your help, Regards.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information

    Account Information
    Hey guys, im looking for a uthgard acc. Full template is a must RR dosent really matter and price.. Im kinda looking for everything!! Hib: Bard bm druid Alb: Sorc Cleric Merc Scout Mid: Skald Shaman Zerk Healer Any of those chars would suit me send me a pm or post here! Thx

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTB] Infiltrator Uthgard [Offer] Money, Plats or other Uth Toons look inside:)

    Account Information
    Hey Im searching for an ALB Uthgard Infiltrator - he should be at least lvl 48! (best level 50 and templated no matter of RR) if you got one send me a PM with Race, Spec, Template, Autotrained or not. for a good account i would also give you 2 Accounts: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would offer: Other Uthgard Accounts: Albion 1Account: 1x 50 Paladin 1Account: 1x 50 Wizard, 44 Cabba Hibernia 1Account: 1x 50 BM templated 4lx Midgard 1Account: 1x 50 Skald templated 4lx or Paypal Money or maybe i would give you some platins on Albion Uthgard. Make me an offer per PM! thx

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    [WTB] Uthgard Toons

    Account Information
    Hi @ all. Looking for Cleric/Druid/Bard/Eld/Minstrel/Infi or theurg. 45+ I can offer € or $ (Banktransfer, Neteller, moneybookers or some pokersites) Pls pm me Greetz

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB Ranger/Ns on Uthgard

    Account Information
    I search a Ranger or Ns on Uthgard. Make me a offer !...

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT hib hero on uthgard

    Account Information
    WTT lvl 43 hero 3l1 for any caster class on hib/mid or sb/hunter 42+ or alch 800+ on hib
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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