Sold Buying [Buying W45 DMM account: decent cb stats/quests/gear pref

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Flyatus, 3/29/17.

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  1. Flyatus

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    Buying world 45 DMM acount-- whats on main realm or seasonal dmm worlds arent selling points for me. If theirs something youd like to highlight however about those worlds its cool.

    Pref trained combat stats most, (high range def, mm done/ancients would be highly pref, any quests done are a plus) gear and gold would also be good but not needed!!

    Comment or DM general account info and i will DM you if im interested.


    (also will trade league of legends accounts plat border/ranks skins/champs, pax tf jax for other os accounts maybe if anyone's interested)
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