Sold Buying Buying NA Accounts that have a character on Gilgamesh

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by misoxeny, 5/17/17.

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  1. misoxeny

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    Here is the situation.

    Character creation and character transfer services to the NA server Gilgamesh were just locked by Square Enix today due to high congestion on the server and them not wanting to stress it even more with the release of Stormblood. There are several friends of mine who I am introducing the game to [they will be completely new players] and I would like to play with them on Gilgamesh, but as it stands, they won't be able to make a character here for them to play with me on.

    This is why I am looking to purchase NA accounts who have characters on Gilgamesh so that I can distribute them to my friends and they can fully take-over the account and play with me on my server. The character level or ilevel is completely irrelevant, the account just needs to have a pre-existing character on the NA server Gilgamesh so that my friends can play here with me. If anyone is interested in permanently giving up their accounts with access to Gilgamesh and relinquishing it for money, please contact me. I need several accounts for my group of friends so don't hesitate to message me.

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