Hello everyone! I am new to the forums, but not new to Elsword. I have been playing the game for a pretty long time, although I'm not exactly sure which year I started. I am currently seeking to purchase Elsword accounts [KR or NA] with high level Ara characters. I would prefer them to have good gear, and at least a few costumes. I am willing to spend hundreds of dollars for an account, especially if the account has good gear and lots of item mall/ice burner costumes, as well as accessories. The lowest level I will buy the account with an Ara at is probably level 85. I would prefer a character leveled into the 90's. It can be any class advancement, but I am mostly looking out for an Asura as on my current Elsword account I had an Asura and mained her, but eventually switched to Sakra Devanam, because I liked her play-style better, but now I am looking to get back into playing Asura again, but do not just want to make a new character because I do not want to have to get new gear, level up, get more costumes, etc. If anyone is interested in giving their account away with a high level Ara with good gear, you can contact me. I am willing to pay through paypal (goods and services only), and am willing to pay over $200 if I have to. [Contact Info] Business Email: kitti_moon(at)yahoo.com Discord: Momotokio#3964 [Payment Methods]