Sold Buying Buying GL account that has the following - pay well

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KamiShirou, 12/24/16.

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  1. KamiShirou

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    Must have the following units
    -Lightning, Luneth, Elza, Noctis, Gilgamesh, Tilith, Maxwell (not really a requirement but if you have her that would be great)

    Rank - at least 50 and above

    -Sakurafubuki x2 (ideally 3 - will pay more)
    -Excalibur x2 (ideally 3 - will pay more)
    -Deathbringer (ideally 2 - will pay more)
    -Genji gloves
    -Dual wield (ideally 2)
    -Dual cast
    -Seal of destruction x2
    -Blade mastery x2
    -Moon blade
    -Events items (not really a requirement though)

    Account must be clean with no injection, this means that you have to show pictures indicate that your TMR unit is at 100%, for example if you have Genji gloves, please provide a picture of gilgamesh with 100% TMR

    If your account meet the requirements above and you want to sell it, feel free to post pictures and provide me with the price
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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