Hi there, i would like to buy a super endgame acc, i am willing to pay 600-700$ for one of those accs, depending on quality. Pm me with info of acc. I want to know the nb5, TOC, golems, dragon and account can at least reach top 10 in arena. Nb5 dark/light astromons is also a plus. Of course gems that are equiped on the astromons too. There was an acc that got sold that i wanted in this thread https://www.playerup.com/threads/1061163-18-nat-5s!!-3-evo3-nat-5s-dark-odin-amazing-account-for-sale! please use that thread as a lead on what kind of acc i want. You can pm me here or add my skype (peter_mai93) i will also only do deals with middleman, buyer and seller split fee. Remember the better acc the better i will pay.