Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 8000000 Main Characters Attributes: Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 20 Memory: 20 Perception: 20 Willpower: 20 Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 126000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 51000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: all lvl 3 implants mostly lvl 5 gunnery, missile , navigation etc etc Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: pve kitted raven Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 150000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information very good pve/pvp mission runner Total ISK 0 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 8200000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Attributes Intelligence: 20.90 Perception: 18.70 Charisma: 12.10 Willpower: 15.40 Memory: 25.30 Corporation Management level1. Anchoring Total Skillpoints in Group: 750 Drones level2 Combat Drone Operation level2 Drone Durability level3. Drone Interfacing level2. Drone Navigation level2. Drone Sharpshooting level5. Drones level2. Heavy Drone Operation level2. Mining Drone Operation level0. Repair Drone Operation level4. Scout Drone Operation Total Skillpoints in Group: 366,398 Electronics level1. Cloaking level1. Electronic Warfare level5. Electronics level5. Electronics Upgrades level2. Long Range Targeting level1. Propulsion Jamming level3. Survey level3. Targeting Total Skillpoints in Group: 789,579 Engineering level3. Energy Grid Upgrades level5. Engineering level2. Shield Management level3. Shield Operation level2. Shield Upgrades level1. Tactical Shield Manipulation Total Skillpoints in Group: 361,770 Gunnery level3. Gunnery level1. Medium Energy Turret level1. Medium Hybrid Turret level2. Motion Prediction level3. Small Energy Turret level3. Small Hybrid Turret level4. Weapon Upgrades Total Skillpoints in Group: 118,839 Industry level2. Deep Core Mining level3. Ice Harvesting level5. Industry level4. Mass Production level5. Mining level2. Mining Upgrades level2. Omber Processing level2. Plagioclase Processing level4. Production Efficiency level3. Pyroxeres Processing level3. Refinery Efficiency level5. Refining level3. Scordite Processing level2. Supply Chain Management level3. Veldspar Processing Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,360,168 Learning level4. Analytical Mind level2. Clarity level3. Eidetic Memory level4. Empathy level2. Focus level5. Instant Recall level4. Iron Will level5. Learning level4. Logic level5. Spatial Awareness Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,072,016 Mechanic level1. Armor Rigging level1. Astronautics Rigging level1. Drones Rigging level1. Electronic Superiority Rigging level0. Frigate Construction level2. Hull Upgrades level1. Hybrid Weapon Rigging level3. Jury Rigging level1. Launcher Rigging level5. Mechanic level0. Projectile Weapon Rigging level1. Repair Systems level3. Salvaging level1. Shield Rigging Total Skillpoints in Group: 308,186 Missile Launcher Operation level3. Cruise Missiles level1. Defender Missiles level1. FoF Missiles level2. Guided Missile Precision level1. Heavy Assault Missiles level3. Heavy Missiles level2. Missile Bombardment level5. Missile Launcher Operation level2. Missile Projection level2. Rapid Launch level3. Standard Missiles level2. Target Navigation Prediction level1. Torpedoes level2. Warhead Upgrades Total Skillpoints in Group: 436,369 Navigation level4. Afterburner level2. Evasive Maneuvering level2. High Speed Maneuvering level4. Navigation level2. Warp Drive Operation Total Skillpoints in Group: 101,826 Science level0. Amarr Encryption Methods level1. Amarrian Starship Engineering level5. Astrogeology level1. Astrometric Triangulation level3. Astrometrics level1. Biology level1. Caldari Encryption Methods level2. Caldari Starship Engineering level1. Cybernetics level1. Electromagnetic Physics level1. Electronic Engineering level1. Gallente Encryption Methods level1. Gallentean Starship Engineering level0. Graviton Physics level2. Hacking level0. High Energy Physics level2. Hydromagnetic Physics level1. Infomorph Psychology level4. Laboratory Operation level1. Laser Physics level2. Mechanical Engineering level2. Metallurgy level0. Minmatar Encryption Methods level1. Minmatar Starship Engineering level1. Molecular Engineering level1. Nanite Engineering level0. Nuclear Physics level0. Plasma Physics level0. Quantum Physics level3. Research level2. Rocket Science level5. Science level2. Scientific Networking level0. Signal Acquisition Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,160,917 Social level1. Connections level2. Negotiation level3. Social Total Skillpoints in Group: 27,147 Spaceship Command level2. Battlecruisers level3. Caldari Battleship level4. Caldari Cruiser level5. Caldari Frigate level3. Caldari Industrial level1. Covert Ops level3. Exhumers level4. Gallente Frigate level5. Mining Barge level4. Spaceship Command Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,158,888 Trade level1. Broker Relations level1. Contracting level2. Marketing level1. Procurement level3. Retail level3. Trade Total Skillpoints in Group: 32,075 Total Skillpoints: 8,294,928 Total Number of Skills: 143 Skills at Level 1: 38 Skills at Level 2: 37 Skills at Level 3: 27 Skills at Level 4: 14 Skills at Level 5: 16 Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Hulk Raven Drake Retriever Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 300000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 220000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 8890692 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: 127 skills= Drones=Combat Drone Operation,Drone Durability, Drone Interfacing,Drone Navigation,Drone sharpshooting, Drones,Heavy Drone Operation,Mining Drone Operation,Scout Drone operation. Electronics= Cloaking,Electronic Warfare,Electronics,Electronic upgrades, Frequency Modulation,Long Range Targeting, Propulsion Jamming, Sensor Linking,Signature Analysis, Survey,Target Painting,TArgeting, Weapon Disruption. Engineering=EM Shield Compensation,Energy Emission Systems,Energy Grid Upgrades,EnergyManagement,Energy Pulse Weapons,Energy Systems Operation, Engineering,Explosive Shield Compensation,Kentic Shield Compensation,Shield Compensation,Shield Emission systems, Shield Management, Shield Operation, Shield Upgrades, Tactical Shield Manipulation, Thermic Shield Compensation. Gunnery=Controlled Bursts, Gunnery, Medium Hybrid Turret, Medium Projectile Turret, Motion prediction, Rapid Firing, Sharpshooter, Small Energy turret, Small Hybrid Turret, Small Projectile Turret, Surgical strike, Weapon Upgrades. Industry=Mining, Industry, Mining upgrades,Refining. Leadership=Armored Warfare,Information Warfare,Leadership,Sige Warfare. Learning= Analytical Mind, Clarity,Eidetic Memory, Empathy,Focus,Instant Recall,Iron Will,Learning,Logic,Presence,Spaitial Awareness. Mechanic=Astronautic Rigging, Drones Rigging,Hull Upgrades,Jury Rigging,Mechanic,Repsair Systems,Salvaging,Shield Rigging. Missile Launcher Operation= Cruise Missile Specialization, Cruise Missiles, Defender missles,FoF Missiles,Guided Missile Precision, Heavy Assault Missiles, Heavy Missiles, Missile Bombardment, Missile Launcher Operation,Missile Projection,Rapid Launch,Rockets,Standard Missiles, Target Navigation Prediction,Torpedoes, Warhead Upgrades. Navigation=Acceleration Control,Afterburner,Evasive Maneuvering,Fuel Conservation,High Speed Manuvering, navigation,Warp Drive Operation. Science=Astrogeology,Astrometrics,Cybernetics,Infomorph psychology,Laboratory operation,metallurgy,Research,Science. Social=connections,criminal connections,diplomacy,fast talk,negoitation,social. Spaceship command=Battle cruisers,Caldari Battleship,Caldari Crusiers,Caldari Frigate,Caldari Industrial,Destroyers,Spaceship command,Amarr Frigate,Minmatar Frigate,Gallente Frigate. Trade=Broker Relations,Retail ,trade. Security status +2.26. has a set of +3 implants and has Hardwiring implants in all slots but slot 8. Attributes as follows= Intell+19 Perception 22, Charisma 16,Willpower 22, Memory 19, character clone upgrade 25 mill SP Character made 12/19/2005 Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: I have way too many items to list in this would take me hours to list all my items I have ship equiptment, blueprints, ships, ammo, mmissles, +4 implants,hardwiring implants, missles, ship parts, equptment, Dead space gear, all in tech 1 and tech 2 items for ships millions of units of mining materials, Mex, Zydrine,Trit,Nox, every type of mineral. Raven Battle ship fully equipted, Drake Battlecrusier fully equipted, Ferox BC,Badger Tech 2 with Tech 2 expanders, Several frigs, approx 4 Cruisers Carcals all ships are fully equipt, Special edition shuttle, Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1500000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Amarr Alternate Character Skill Points: 100000 Additional Information My character uses Tech 2 gear on all his ship parts, and can fly some tech 2 ships. This character is a Caldari Missle Boat Battleship, Battle Cruiser specialized character made for missile boats he can tank level 4 missions in a Battle cruiser and easily in raven Battleship. ha 2 months of play time already paid for Total ISK 926000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 6000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: lev 5 industry, 4 astrology, mining, mechanics, science, 2 refinery, drones Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: drake List Characters Assets: osprey List Characters Assets: badger List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 700000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 3000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 16064681 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: 104 skills 24 at lvl 5 Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 186367737 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 69000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: 3 jumpclones all with implants, 25mil SP in piloting can pilot ANY ship except titans and motherships for all races. 18 mil SP in gunnery. PVP Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Over a dozen battleships, dozen HACs, dozen T2 ships, well over 200 unfitted T2 items, lots of t1 bpos/bpcs Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 3000000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Amarr Alternate Character Skill Points: 1000000 Additional Information Total ISK 7000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 25500000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Everything is here, it is a multipurpose character: eve-sheet/skills/Nevs_Aioros Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Assets includes: - A lot of T2 Equip - A lot of fitted industrial and cruiser ships - 2 Crane (Stealth Transport Ship) - 1 Charon (Freighter Ship) - 3 Drakes T2 Fitted (Great PVE and Heavy Tank PVP Battlecruiser Ship) - 1 Nighthawk T2 Fitted (One of the Best PVE and PVP T2 Battlecruiser Ship) Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 2500000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 270000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 76376000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: full set of crystal and improved implants. over 12mil in missile skills, engineering skills almost maxed out. can run a raven @80k hp effective and do over 5k volleys in dps Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: faction fit charon and pheonix, navy issue raven, over 200 bpos. Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 6000000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information too much too list on here. Total ISK 500000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 7000000 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 12 Intelligence: 28 Memory: 21 Perception: 8 Willpower: 8 Main Characters Group: Achura Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 75 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 700000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 722007