Im interested in buying zuly for AruaRose[HR] looking to buy about 1billion zuly add me at *****************************************************, Thank you I'll be monitoring your account from thus point forward Mr. tking. omg matt why buying money etc is inlegal? ***************************************************** 2. Game Regulations B. The GM Team may intervene, mediate, or regulate activities in the following situations: [ ... ] Trading in-game items, zullie, or accounts for real c u r r e n c y Trading in-game items, zullie, or accounts for in-game virtual c u r r e n c y [ ... ] 3. Ill-mannered Activity Rules and Regulations [ ... ] Monetary Trade: The selling / buying of in-game items, zullie or accounts for real c u r r e n c y is not permitted. This will result in a permanent suspension of the account. [ ... ] This is what you agreed to upon registering your account at AruaROSE, otherwise known as our Account Policy. Haha Azn got owned! Originally Posted by Arua Rose Zuly,Arua Rose Zulie,Rose Zuly,Rose Zulie,Rose Gold,Rose Online Zuly,Rose Online Zulie Michaelgray: --------------------------- Xtrm2Matt: -------------------------------- The question is "WHY" Matt. Give us reasons why you don't permit it not just pointing at the rules you created. Why did you include it in the things-not-permitted list anyway? Don't you know that zulie sellers contribute to your servers in a way you don't imagine? The people who bought zulies are the ones who are most loyal in your server in a way that it will be hard for them to just leave the game because they have already invested real money into it. It shows how much they love the game and especially the server. As for contribution to the server to keep it going, we used to say to our customers that they should at least give 1 donate to your server once a month. And they did. So why don't you ? As i can see, there are 3 sites dedicated in providing zulies in your server now. You know it. YOU, THERE, SHUT UP!