You can contact me at : EvonyIsMyAddiction#3477 Listen, Evony is a dying game. After next year it literally may no longer exist in the form of PC. I want to have some fun while I can and I'm not willing to pay hundreds/thousands for it. I want a lot though. I can do this myself with the accounts I own already but I simply want to skip a few steps. My budget is max 200. Like I said what you spent doesn't concern me because you'll lose it next year anyway. I want top alliance or player, HC's, HH's, millions/billions of troops, millions/billions of prestige. I want it all. The better, the more I'll pay and maybe even a bit more than I've listed if I'm feeling generous. If anyone has anything to offer, message me at that Discord and be ready to provide screenshots and any other information I might require. Thanks guys