Sold Buying Account with Halloween Eustace + a full Earth grid, rank 60+

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ehynnie, 7/5/17.

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  1. ehynnie

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    Halloween Eustace and a full base grid/SSR team of at least one element is a 100% req, things that would be preferable:
    Account preferably at least rank 60, but I would consider lower if the SSRs and grid are decent.
    For the full base grid to be earth. (Any element is fine as long as it has a full base grid of at least 6 SSR weapons that are the correct ones (Levi Dagger, Tia Gun, etc.), but Earth is preferable and I'd be a lot more likely to buy it, haha.
    Preferable Earth parties: Halloween Eustace, Sara, Eugen, DLF, Ygg, Ayer, etc. Basically any Earth SSRs. I'm not too picky besides H. Eustace.
    Specific SSR chars that would be pref.: Drang, Katalina (Grand), Gawain, Percival, Narumaya (either), Heles (either), Seruel, Naoise (both pref), regular Eustace.
    Must have either an intact start dash or a valuable start dashed character such as a story limited.
    Discord: Flowerbot #3799
    Very very tentatively would be willing to trade for my rank 82 acc. w/ SSR Kat, Drang, Socie, Lily for water and a full base water grid SLed to 10. Regular Eustace, DLF, Catherine, and Cag for Earth. Narmaya, L. Sarunan, and Zeta for other SSRs. It would have to be an account very similar in progression and at least 2 diff element SSR teams of similar tier, as I have high tier chars for the most part. Has no start dash (used on Kat) so I wouldn't require the account to be traded to have a start dash.
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