Requirements -Full T5 Modded -120+ skill points -Must have lockbox rings Price is # skype- denny.nguyen3 This account is on USPC server. I have bought 5 DLC packs:Origin crisis,Hand of fate,Battle for earth,Lightning strikes,Fight for light. The account has 3 main characters. cr 98healer/dps-Hero. Power Sorcery, Batman mentored. Movement-acrobatics. While in healer mode it has 3803 restoration, have the rarest weapon lvl 87. Have expert mods on gear./While in dps mode it has 2151 might and 828 precision. Sp 73. Cr 93troll/dps-Villain . Power Quantum, Joker mentored. Movement-Super speed. While in troll mode it has 1621 vitalization/While in dps mode it has 2039 might and 744 precision. have lvl 88 belt which is extremely rare in the game. Sp 60. Cr 88 dps/Hero. Power gadgets, batman mentored. Movement-Super speed. Has 2143 might and 713 precision. Sp 76. If interested contact me on skype:vaxo-147. Can provide any information and proof needed. I can get the SP higher if you are willing to buy