Buying  High End Buying a High-End Aura Kingdom Account (Global)

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noctula, 3/11/25 at 11:02 PM.

  1. Noctula

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    Hello! I'm buying a sufficiently built High-End Aura Kingdom account on (US Global) server. Preferably Olympus. I only do legitimate transactions through site, or paypal by service. So if you have any qualms about a legitimate transaction, then I would suggest you don't Reply because this advertisement isn't for you. Thank you so much for reading this far!

    What am I looking for?

    Eidolon Archive Nearly completed (I will accept something along the lines of 85-100% Completion)

    HC awakening Maxed (will not budge)
    elemental holy chest Maxed for the character you have at S35-S40

    Fashion collection album (at a decent 60-100%)

    Card collection bonuses (high)

    Gearscore of At least 3.4k on character of choice with masteries maxed

    I will settle for .to server accounts but I'm paying half for those. Maximum 450

    Discord: Noctula
    #1 Noctula, 3/11/25 at 11:02 PM
    Last edited: 3/12/25 at 4:45 AM