Buying 3pc Mage or 2pc mage and bear all l80

Discussion in 'Pocket Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IAmViper, 7/24/16.

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  1. IAmViper

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    Buying one of three things for 100$ iTunes

    1) L80 3pc Mage with angel set (and possibly a lot of vanities)
    2) L80 2pc bear + Mage with alot of vanities
    3) magor armor or helm + gold (2.5$ for 1m = 40m. In this case helm being 25 and armor being 15-20m, I would like the set if I'm lucky and ur in a hurry to sell, we can negotiate the price on this)

    Chesspawn as MiddleMan

    my kik = ixcursed
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