Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information "Main Characters Skill Points: 63656779 Main Characters Attributes: Charisma: 13 Intelligence: 21 Memory: 19 Perception: 20 Willpower: 20 Main Characters Group: PVP / Miner Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 219 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: More Infos for Char: eveboard/pilot/Ling_Lang Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 100000000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Alternative Characters Race: Amarr Alternative Characters Skill Points: 2511184 Alternative Characters Attributes: Intelligence 17 Perception 16 Charisma 8 Willpower 16 Memory 17 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: This Char is a Frighter Pilot, can fly cloke houler and Armarr Frighter. More infos for Skills here: eveboard/pilot/Torani_Mektaki " Additional Information Total ISK 1000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 7700584 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 19 Memory: 19 Perception: 18 Willpower: 20 Main Characters Group: Industrial Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 101 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: basic implants, industry 5, lot of mineral proccessiing skills at 3-4, Mining 5, Refining 5, REfining Efficiency 5, Mining foreman 5, Astrogeology 5, Cybernetics 5, Mining Barge 5, Spaceship command 5, a lot of trade skills at 3-4, a lot of other skills at 3-4. 600,000 points in Learning skills. Describe All Characters Assets: No Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 180000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 20000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 37000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 000000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 1000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 878284 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: caldari frig 4 minitar frig 2 spaceship command 4 just basic nub skills Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: snowball launcher Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 1 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information made in 2005, just a old toon Total ISK 40000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 17000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 600000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Alternate Character Skill Points: Additional Information Total ISK 80000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 80000 Main Characters Attributes: No Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 13 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 1000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 79500000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Carrier List Characters Assets: Dread Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 3500000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 50000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 61000000 Main Characters Attributes: Charisma: 19 Intelligence: 25 Memory: 23 Perception: 26 Willpower: 23 Main Characters Group: Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 222 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: revelation dreadnaught List Characters Assets: thanatos carrier List Characters Assets: and heavy interdictor amarr Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 3500000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information Total ISK 100000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 2000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 20000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 16000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 37775118 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: LEVEL 5 SKILLS: spacship command, adv spacship command,amarr cruiser, amarr frig, battlecruisers, caldari battleship, caldari frig, gallante battleship, gallante cruiser, gallante frig, leadership, electronics, electronic upgrades, refining, industry, engerneering, corp management, anchoring, combat drone op, drones, drone interfacing, drone sharpshooting, heavy drone op, scout drone op,controlled bursts, gunnery, medium blaster spec, medium hybrid turret, rapid firing, small hybrid turret, wep upgrades, cruise missles, heavy missles, missle bombardment, missle launch op, torps, afterburner, evasive manuvering, navigation, warp drive op, science, social, hull upgrades, mechanic, repair systems, all basic learning skills. Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: dont know cant remember but its ALOT of expensive love you. I know a diemos and a crap load of t2 stuff. Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 100000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Minmatar Alternate Character Skill Points: 800000 Additional Information Anchoring / Rank 3 / SP: 768000 of 768000 Corporation Management / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Ethnic Relations / Rank 2 / SP: 934 of 2829 Starbase Defense Management / Rank 7 / SP: 77439 of 316784 ·4 Corporation Management skills trained, for a total of 1,102,373 skillPoints. Advanced Drone Interfacing / Rank 8 / SP: 22322 of 64000 Amarr Drone Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 40000 of 226275 Caldari Drone Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Combat Drone Operation / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Drone Durability / Rank 5 / SP: 40000 of 226275 Drone Interfacing / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Drone Navigation / Rank 1 / SP: 252423 of 256000 Drone Sharpshooting / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Drones / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing / Rank 5 / SP: 40000 of 226275 Gallente Drone Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 866 of 1250 Heavy Drone Operation / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Mining Drone Operation / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Minmatar Drone Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Repair Drone Operation / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Scout Drone Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Sentry Drone Interfacing / Rank 5 / SP: 1250 of 7072 ·17 Drones skills trained, for a total of 4,729,411 skillPoints. Cloaking / Rank 6 / SP: 271530 of 1536000 Cynosural Field Theory / Rank 5 / SP: 1250 of 7072 Electronic Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000 Electronics / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Electronics Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Frequency Modulation / Rank 3 / SP: 4243 of 24000 Long Distance Jamming / Rank 4 / SP: 5657 of 32000 Long Range Targeting / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Propulsion Jamming / Rank 3 / SP: 6979 of 24000 Sensor Linking / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Signal Dispersion / Rank 5 / SP: 1250 of 7072 Signature Analysis / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255 Survey / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255 Target Painting / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Targeting / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000 Weapon Disruption / Rank 3 / SP: 1689 of 4243 ·16 Electronics skills trained, for a total of 1,276,363 skillPoints. EM Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Energy Emission Systems / Rank 2 / SP: 17477 of 90510 Energy Grid Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000 Energy Management / Rank 3 / SP: 25197 of 135765 Energy Pulse Weapons / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Energy Systems Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255 Engineering / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Explosive Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Kinetic Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 16010 of 90510 Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Shield Emission Systems / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Shield Management / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Shield Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Shield Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Tactical Shield Manipulation / Rank 4 / SP: 32000 of 181020 Thermic Shield Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000 ·16 Engineering skills trained, for a total of 824,023 skillPoints. Advanced Weapon Upgrades / Rank 6 / SP: 9045 of 48000 Controlled Bursts / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Gunnery / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Large Hybrid Turret / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Large Projectile Turret / Rank 5 / SP: 1250 of 7072 Medium Blaster Specialization / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Medium Hybrid Turret / Rank 3 / SP: 768000 of 768000 Medium Projectile Turret / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Motion Prediction / Rank 2 / SP: 230814 of 512000 Rapid Firing / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Sharpshooter / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000 Small Blaster Specialization / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000 Small Energy Turret / Rank 1 / SP: 2022 of 8000 Small Hybrid Turret / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Small Projectile Turret / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255 Small Railgun Specialization / Rank 3 / SP: 3097 of 4243 Surgical Strike / Rank 4 / SP: 428101 of 1024000 Trajectory Analysis / Rank 5 / SP: 40233 of 226275 Weapon Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 ·19 Gunnery skills trained, for a total of 5,295,112 skillPoints. Hemorphite Processing / Rank 2 / SP: 26 of 500 Ice Harvesting / Rank 1 / SP: 250 of 1415 Industry / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Jaspet Processing / Rank 2 / SP: 7 of 500 Mass Production / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000 Mining / Rank 1 / SP: 48661 of 256000 Mining Upgrades / Rank 4 / SP: 2771 of 5657 Production Efficiency / Rank 3 / SP: 8914 of 24000 Refinery Efficiency / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Refining / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·10 Industry skills trained, for a total of 599,458 skillPoints. Armored Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 739 of 2829 Information Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829 Leadership / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Mining Foreman / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Siege Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 2829 of 16000 Skirmish Warfare / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Warfare Link Specialist / Rank 6 / SP: 41105 of 48000 Wing Command / Rank 8 / SP: 2053 of 11314 ·8 Leadership skills trained, for a total of 335,226 skillPoints. Analytical Mind / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Clarity / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Eidetic Memory / Rank 3 / SP: 135910 of 768000 Empathy / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Focus / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Instant Recall / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Iron Will / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Learning / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Logic / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000 Presence / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Spatial Awareness / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·11 Learning skills trained, for a total of 1,879,675 skillPoints. Drones Rigging / Rank 3 / SP: 5693 of 24000 EM Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829 Explosive Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 1138 of 2829 Frigate Construction / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829 Hull Upgrades / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Hybrid Weapon Rigging / Rank 3 / SP: 530 of 750 Jury Rigging / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Kinetic Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829 Mechanic / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Remote Armor Repair Systems / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Repair Systems / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Salvaging / Rank 3 / SP: 314915 of 768000 Thermic Armor Compensation / Rank 2 / SP: 2049 of 2829 ·13 Mechanic skills trained, for a total of 1,381,825 skillPoints. Cruise Missiles / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Defender Missiles / Rank 2 / SP: 515 of 2829 FoF Missiles / Rank 3 / SP: 24000 of 135765 Heavy Missiles / Rank 3 / SP: 768000 of 768000 Missile Bombardment / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Missile Launcher Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Rapid Launch / Rank 2 / SP: 231737 of 512000 Rockets / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000 Standard Missiles / Rank 2 / SP: 47463 of 90510 Target Navigation Prediction / Rank 2 / SP: 16566 of 90510 Torpedoes / Rank 4 / SP: 1024000 of 1024000 Warhead Upgrades / Rank 5 / SP: 462585 of 1280000 ·12 Missile Launcher Operation skills trained, for a total of 4,668,121 skillPoints. Acceleration Control / Rank 4 / SP: 181020 of 1024000 Afterburner / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Evasive Maneuvering / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Fuel Conservation / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 High Speed Maneuvering / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Jump Drive Operation / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Navigation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 Warp Drive Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·8 Navigation skills trained, for a total of 1,929,570 skillPoints. Astrogeology / Rank 3 / SP: 24473 of 135765 Astrometrics / R nk 3 / SP: 750 of 4243 Cybernetics / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000 Infomorph Psychology / Rank 1 / SP: 8294 of 45255 Laboratory Operation / Rank 1 / SP: 1415 of 8000 Metallurgy / Rank 3 / SP: 750 of 4243 Research / Rank 1 / SP: 8000 of 45255 Science / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·8 Science skills trained, for a total of 435,447 skillPoints. Connections / Rank 3 / SP: 135765 of 768000 Criminal Connections / Rank 3 / SP: 4243 of 24000 Diplomacy / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000 Fast Talk / Rank 4 / SP: 36107 of 181020 Military Connections / Rank 1 / SP: 45283 of 256000 Negotiation / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000 Social / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·7 Social skills trained, for a total of 613,163 skillPoints. Advanced Spaceship Command / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Amarr Battleship / Rank 8 / SP: 11447 of 64000 Amarr Cruiser / Rank 5 / SP: 289311 of 1280000 ·Currently training to: level 5 ·Time left: training complete ·SP done: 990689 of 990689 Amarr Frigate / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Amarr Industrial / Rank 4 / SP: 1000 of 5657 Assault Ships / Rank 4 / SP: 181020 of 1024000 Battlecruisers / Rank 6 / SP: 1536000 of 1536000 Caldari Battleship / Rank 8 / SP: 2048000 of 2048000 Caldari Cruiser / Rank 5 / SP: 226275 of 1280000 Caldari Frigate / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Caldari Industrial / Rank 4 / SP: 32000 of 181020 Capital Ships / Rank 14 / SP: 112027 of 633568 Covert Ops / Rank 4 / SP: 32000 of 181020 Destroyers / Rank 2 / SP: 16000 of 90510 Gallente Battleship / Rank 8 / SP: 2048000 of 2048000 Gallente Cruiser / Rank 5 / SP: 1280000 of 1280000 Gallente Frigate / Rank 2 / SP: 512000 of 512000 Gallente Industrial / Rank 4 / SP: 1000 of 5657 Heavy Assault Ships / Rank 6 / SP: 78750 of 271530 Interceptors / Rank 4 / SP: 174851 of 181020 Mining Barge / Rank 4 / SP: 346473 of 1024000 Minmatar Cruiser / Rank 5 / SP: 40000 of 226275 Minmatar Frigate / Rank 2 / SP: 90510 of 512000 Spaceship Command / Rank 1 / SP: 256000 of 256000 ·24 Spaceship Command skills trained, for a total of 11,616,664 skillPoints. Broker Relations / Rank 2 / SP: 500 of 2829 Marketing / Rank 3 / SP: 41636 of 135765 Procurement / Rank 3 / SP: 750 of 4243 Retail / Rank 2 / SP: 546 of 2829 Trade / Rank 1 / SP: 45255 of 256000 ·5 Trade skills trained, for a total of 88,687 skillPoints. Total ISK 37644548