Buy Accounts Final Fantasy XI, Buy Accounts Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XI Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXI, 10/24/13.

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  1. FFXI

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Ranger Hume Male on Odin

    Account Information
    Rank: 9
    AF: 5
    Conquest Points:
    Passes and Keys:
    Missions Completed:
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 1 - Stripped with No Gear - None
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Woodworking
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Cooking
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Bonecrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 50
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 52
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 45
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 62
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dragoon
    Subjob Level: 66
    Characters Subjob: Monk
    Subjob Level: 56
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 66
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 45
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: XBOX 360 - Any Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Ranger Mithra Female on Odin

    Account Information
    Rank: 5
    AF: 4
    Conquest Points: 50000
    Passes and Keys:
    Missions Completed:
    Crystals: all
    Summons: all but fenrir and diablos
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Odin
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Ranger
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Your Characters Server: Odin
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Monk
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Your Characters Server: Odin
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Dark Knight
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Leathcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 68
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 59
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 39
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 42
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Monk
    Subjob Level: 45
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 73
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 42
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 44
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: XBOX 360 - Any Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Ranger Elvaan Male on Odin

    Account Information
    Rank: 1
    AF: 1
    Conquest Points:
    Passes and Keys: airship pass, kazham pass
    Missions Completed: rise of zilark, chains of promathia
    Crystals: all
    Summons: none
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 6 - Best Gear Possible
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 100
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: XBOX 360 - Any Version
    World Transferable: No - Not Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: 2 months

    Additional Information
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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