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      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTB Uthgard Warrior/Shaman

      Account Information
      Hi, i need sham or warrior on uthgard send me race/lvl in pm.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTB uthgard account (all class)

      Account Information
      Hi i'm looking for char on uthgard no need it 50 just 40+ is ok. Looking in all realm hib,alb,mid. I can play with plat on every realm Just send me pm with infos and price

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Paying $4.00USD Per Plat Uthgard Mid & WTB Uthgard Accts!

      Account Information
      Hey guys, I really enjoy playing on Uthgard but dont have the the time to level toons or farm for plats. Therefore, I'm paying 4.00USD per plat via paypal for plats on Midgard. I would like to buy the following Toons: Lvl 50SB lvl 50Ranger Lvl 50Merc Lvl 50 Hero Lvl 50 Champion lvl 50 Druid Any other lvl 50's you have for sale? If you only want to trade, I have a lvl 50 Skald RR5, 43 Zerk and 30 SB. Please send me a message. Thank you!!

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTB Uthgard Alb Friar

      Account Information
      i don't care the lvl (30+) i'll pay with plat on all realms

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      DAoC Radar? ( 1 2)

      Account Information
      Hi guys. I still remember that some people used a radar tool on live servers a few years ago. Since then I haven´t heard much about that. Now my question, is there still something like a radar tool available for DAoC? Greetings.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      I Need a Minstrel on Uthgard!

      Account Information
      Hi as topic i need a minstrel. I can trade it with a BM 6L+++ with sc and great TP! I can also pay with Plats! And i can trade with Ranger 5L! PM ME Thank you

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTT on Uthgard Merce

      Account Information
      I trade Mercenary lvl 50 rr 4L4 Highlander, good Spellcrafted weapon MP!!! It is also Leg.Grandmaster Armocrafter 1130+. I trade for scout 50 saracen o 50 platin albion. PM ME.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Kann man trotz suspension einloggen ????

      Account Information
      Hi meine frage ist, kann man trotz einer suspension einloggen ? um zum beispiele alle chars leer zu räumen und die items auf einen bb acc zu mulen ? wenn ja, wie wirds gemacht ?

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Suche : Spear of the Element, Ring of Protection,Svartalf Crafted Ring

      Account Information
      Suche : Spear of the Element, Ring of Protection,Svartalf Crafted Ring , Spellbound Cobalt Jewel Bite schnell melden

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTT RR6 sorc on Uth

      Account Information
      Hi, WTT my RR6 sorc for plats/items on mid. An alb account with merc, pala or theurg 45+ is fine as well. Would also accept hib or mid accounts, depends on present char.
      • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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